Ozone Water Treatment Is More Cost Efficient Than Ever. Here’s Why…

In 2020, $600 million was spent worldwide on advanced ozone water treatment technology – a significant market, but small in comparison to the $26 billion that was spent on water treatment chemicals.

Today ozone is universally recognized as more powerful and effective than chlorine. Ozone is now the fastest growing technology in the global water disinfection market and has more than doubled the growth of chemicals.

Ozone growth is anticipated to accelerate further because of its non-chemical process, its effectiveness in treating complex emerging contaminants, and its ability to meet ever-more stringent government regulations. It is clear that ozone technology offers the most effective disinfection and a cost-effective solution for complex water treatment. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider ozone if you haven’t already.

Chemical Free Ozone Reduces the Risk of Increased Operational Costs

Pre-pandemic, the cost efficiency of ozone was well known to those in the industry and end users. The recent pandemic has further improved the cost effectiveness of ozone treatment solutions. Current supply chain issues have adversely affected the cost and supply of many common water treatment chemicals such as chlorine, peracetic acid and sulfur dioxide. Prices have risen as much as 50% or more for some chemicals.

Supply chain shortages have also created uncertainty for operators who are reliant on chemicals, especially in remote communities. Communities in the US and Canada both recently faced emergencies due to lack of water treatment chemicals, leading to government intervention. As fuel prices have also surged, the cost of transporting these consumables has also increased substantially. Managing these unforeseen increased costs has been a challenge for many. Adoption of chemical free ozone is a cost-effective alternative to chlorine with less environmental impact. Ozone offers enhanced disinfection while minimizing the risk of increased operational costs and reliance on chemicals.


Ozone AOP Enhances UV & Chemical Effectiveness & Reduces Costs

The addition of ozone can enhance the effectiveness of both UV and chemicals in existing water and wastewater treatment trains. Ozone as an Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) enhances the effectiveness of UV by clarifying water prior to treatment, and can also improve the effectiveness of chlorine and other chemicals and reduce their by-products. Ozone AOP not only increases the effectiveness of existing treatment trains, but it can reduce the quantity of chemicals required resulting in significant operational cost savings. Furthermore, with the exception of treatments that require a residual disinfectant for transmission, ozone can eliminate the need for disinfection and/or oxidation chemicals. Ozone can significantly enhance the disinfection of your existing treatment train while reducing costs at the same time

Ozone Systems Are Energy Efficient

Over the past decade, advanced ozone technology has become more energy efficient and therefore more cost efficient, especially for smaller scale municipal, industrial and commercial applications. As the cost of many chemicals has escalated, North American electricity rates have not experienced the same extreme fluctuations. The average operational cost of an Aclarus system is approximately 5 cents per 1,000 litres of treated water, offering the lowest Lifetime Operating Cost (LOC) compared to other technology and a quick Return on Investment (ROI).


Ozone Offers Lower Peripheral Costs

The production of ozone requires more electricity than chlorination systems, however ozone has lower peripheral costs. For example, chlorine requires power for the dosing pump, purchase of chemicals, as well as the costs of shipping, safe handling and storage. UV systems can also be more costly than ozone because they require a UV chamber which can increase CAPEX costs, require more electricity and the purchase, routine replacement and disposal of UV bulbs. Ozone systems do not rely on consumables such as media or chemistry. Importantly, using ozone in combination with either of these technologies, improves their overall performance.


Minimal Ozone System Monitoring Reduces Labour Costs

Unlike conventional chlorination treatment systems, advanced ozone systems can be completely automated and therefore require minimal operator training and intervention. Automated programmable logic controllers (PLC) continuously monitor and adjust the ozone generator to maintain the pre-determined settings and automated alerts are sent to the operator if necessary. Daily tests are performed to ensure the oxidation-reduction (ORP) potential is accurate. Remote monitoring of all systems can be accessed through a dedicated computer or smart phone.


Ozone Systems Offer Reduced Maintenance Costs

Chlorine is extremely corrosive and damaging to almost every system component it comes into contact with. Consequently, chlorine treatment systems require annual cleaning and replacement of the transfer lines and regulators. UV systems require regular monitoring and replacement of bulbs and ballasts which increases with poor water quality. Ozone has minimal impacts on equipment comparably and Aclarus systems utilize only premium components for longevity in any conditions and require no regular consumables, replacements or heavy maintenance.


Ozone is Sustainable & Cost Effective

Ozone water treatment technology has recently experienced unprecedented growth and will continue to do so. Climate change has escalated the need for sustainable, environmentally friendly water treatment solutions. There is also increasing awareness that access to safe water is rapidly diminishing, and that effective treatment for a plethora of emerging complex contaminants is necessary. This knowledge and increased regulatory pressure, is encouraging entire industries to source and use more effective, advanced treatment technology. Furthermore, global water scarcity is rapidly accelerating the need for improved water conservation and reuse applications.


Ozone is sustainable, energy efficient, environmentally friendly and offers substantial opportunities for conservation and non-potable water reuse. Recent supply chain issues have resulted in increased demand for a cost-effective water treatment solution, like ozone, that does not require consumables. Aclarus Ozone solutions provide assured treatment, lower operational costs and improved sustainability by reducing water and chemical use. .


To learn how Aclarus can provide a cost-effective solution for your water treatment challenges, please contact us here!


12 Reasons Why Advanced Ozone Technology makes Complex Water Treatment Easy


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