Ozone Safety

Safe. Environmentally Friendly

Ozone is generally not harmful to people at low concentrations. Most people can smell ozone long before it is dangerous which is typically a detection range of 0.005-0.02 parts per million.

Aclarus Ozone systems are meticulously engineered to ensure safe, easy to operate and maintain water treatment. For more information on the many features of Aclarus Ozone systems please contact us.


The US Operational Safety & Health Association (OSHA) provides the following guidelines for safe exposure levels to ozone in the workplace based on time-weighted averages measured in parts per million (ppm) as follows:

0.2 ppm for no more than 2 hours exposure
0.30.1 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing light work
0.40.08 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing moderate work
0.50.05 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing heavy work


Automated and Continuously Monitored

Aclarus Ozone technology incorporates automated remote sensors that continuously measure ambient ozone levels. These sensors perform the following safety functions:

Ambient 0.1 ppm

Alarm activated. The operator has the option to shut the system down or stay operational.

Ambient 0.2 ppm

External beacon activated. Fault triggered. Exhaust ventilation system will be enabled and the redundant system will be activated.

Ambient 0.3 ppm

Additional alarm activated. System automatically shut down immediately.


Questions about Ozone?

Our team would be happy to help!

+1 (888) 705-8801