The recently announced UK Net Zero 2030 policy promotes the use of low-carbon, natural water treatment such as Ozone

The recently announced UK Net Zero 2030 policy promotes the use of low-carbon, natural water treatment such as Ozone and UV disinfection technologies.

The objective of the UK Net Zero Policy is to achieve its ambitious target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. In addition to promoting low carbon water treatment technologies, it also aims to reduce the environmental impact of water treatment by promoting the use of natural treatment processes, such as ozone. Another significant goal is to protect water resources through the use of sustainable water management practices. Ozone is a sustainable, chemical free, environmentally friendly solution that will play a significant role in achieving this ambitious target.


According to International Ozone Association statistics, over the past two decades there has been a significant shift to Sidestream Injection versus Fine Bubble Diffusion installations.


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